We have a wide catalog of Hard Drives for Servers of any brand, model and characteristics.
We locate parts that are difficult to access, either due to their characteristics or because they are discontinued.
We also provide consulting on units and their specifications for the best performance according to your need, requirement and equipment.
We are distributors of the best brands
NAS drives are computers intended to store, back up, and centralize information.
NAS units incorporate different security elements to keep information private and only accessible to users who have permissions. They also incorporate dozens of practical tools to achieve better productivity.
We have equipment for all types of requirements, ranging from 2 users to NAS server solutions for 1,000 users and up. NAS servers from a single bay, to multi-bay filers.
We also provide comprehensive advice for your team so that its operation is optimal according to the specific requirement and its possible growth and expansion.
In addition to training in the administration of your NAS server in software, hardware and resource consumption (power, performance, etc.).